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A green restart: UNZ Briefing Note

07 October 2020 | news

The Level 4 lockdown earlier this year provided a glimpse of a quieter life—of possibilities for living more sustainably in the future—and reminded us we are part of a world facing many crises. It also came at huge economic and social cost to New Zealand, with government support packages needed to insulate many in the workforce from unemployment or lost income.

In the wake of that initial COVID-19 shock, Universities New Zealand asked academics around the country how communities, businesses and individuals could best face up to this new global nightmare and how they might grasp the nettle and turn the pandemic slowdown into opportunities.

From those conversations, UNZ is producing an occasional series of Briefing Notes, starting with one discussing the need for a “green restart”.

This would involve the country striking off in new, bold directions to set it up well for the future by using resources sustainably, cutting greenhouse gas emissions, protecting the environment and overseeing a socially just recovery.