Te Kāhui Amokura
The role of Te Kāhui Amokura is to advance and promote the collective interests of New Zealand’s universities to improve outcomes for Māori university students (tauira), Māori university staff and Māori scholarship. Te Kāhui Amokura was officially formed in 2004 and comprises the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori, Assistant Vice-Chancellor Māori or Pro-Vice Chancellor Māori from each university.
Te Komiti:
- Dr Sarah-Jane Tiakiwai, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori, University of Waikato (Chair)
- Dr Te Kawehau Hoskins, Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori, The University of Auckland
- Professor Pare Keiha, Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori, AUT
- Professor Meihana Durie, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori, Massey University
- Professor Rawinia Higgins, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori, Victoria University of Wellington
- Liz Brown, Deputy Assistant Vice-Chancellor Māori, University of Canterbury
- Professor Merata Kawharu, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori, Lincoln University
- Professor Jacinta Ruru, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori, University of Otago
Strategic Work Programme
The Te Kāhui Amokura Strategic Work Plan was endorsed by Te Pōkai Tara in February 2015. This plan identifies key policy areas that contribute to Universities New Zealand - Te Pōkai Tara overarching priorities. See our latest facts and statistics about tauira Māori within our universities - Building Māori Success
Indigenous Internationalisation & Ngā Here Mātauranga 
Te Kāhui Amokura in collaboration with the Committee on International Policy have developed the first pan university sector approach to internationalisation from an indigenous perspective - "Ngā Here Mātauranga - Indigenous Internationalisation 2020-2025". Our recent experiences abroad revealed a significant demand for indigenous education from our universities, both for indigenous peoples and for those who work with indigenous peoples.
Ngā Here Mātauranga provides an innovative digital space for the universities to collaborate, innovate and connect. It is also home to our 'Global Indigenous Network' a space where indigenous academics and communities can participate in forums and have access to a variety of resources across a range of topics including; indigenous language revitalisation, indigenous development and education.
Te Kei - Māori Academic Staff Development Programme 
Te Kei is the first Māori Academic Development Programme to be implemented across the eight New Zealand universities. Guided by Mātauranga Māori, the programme has been designed by Maori academics to support the professional and personal development new and emerging Māori academics. This programme is for Māori academics currently working at one of our eight Aotearoa New Zealand universities.
For more details about this programme - www.tekei.co.nz
Piki Ake Transition Programme - Changing the trajectory for upcoming Māori researchers
The Piki Ake Transition Programme has been designed to support Māori Masters and PhD students interested in pursing an academic career. The programme has a self-directed learning online component and two facilitated online wānanga. Each university has a dedicated Manu Taupua who provide the local ongoing support for the students, track progress and help coordinate and facilitate Piki Ake on campus.
Piki Ake is a sector approach to connect, coordinate, share best practice to address the systemic challenges. This in turn will drive long-lasting institutional cultural and transformational change that will benefit future generations of Māori researchers.
You can read more about the initial stages of the Piki Ake programme in the following report. Funding was provided by the Equity, Diveristy and Innovation Fund managed by MBIE - Piki Ake MBIE Report (2024)
For more information check out this link - https://www.pikiake.nz/
Ngā Tikanga Paihere - Application at Universities New Zealand
Ngā Tikanga Paihere (2020) was developed by Statistics New Zealand. Organisations who are using the IDI are required to show how this is applied within their own operating context.
Ngā Tikanga Paihere is a framework and tool that:
- Guides safe, responsible, and culturally appropriate use of data
- Ensures data use is carefully considered
- Ensures data practices occur in good faith.
The following UNZ guidelines have been co-developed alongside the UNZ committee – Te Kāhui Amokura. The development and application of Ngā Tikanga Paihere is an additional segment to the university’s sectors work towards Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Te Mana Ākonga - Memorandum of Understanding
The purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in 2020, is to agree upon and achieve shared objectives between Te Kāhui Amokura and Te Mana Ākonga – National Māori Tertiary Students’ Association. Both parties share joint aspirations for building ākonga Māori success, as Māori, across the university and wider tertiary education system in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Enhancement Theme
The Cycle 6 Academic Audit includes an Enhancement Theme in which universities collectively address an issue which is important to individual universities and of national significance. The topic for the Cycle 6 Enhancement Theme is “Access, outcomes and opportunity for Māori students and for Pasifika students”. An Enhancement Theme Steering Group was formed to guide and oversee theme activities and progress. Further details can be found on the Enhancement Theme website - www.enhanceunz.com
Researchers throughout our universities are working on local, national and international Māori research projects, many of which are collaborations with iwi, Māori asset holders and other Māori stakeholder groups.
All New Zealand universities are a member of Ngā Pae of Te Maramatanga (NPM). NPM conduct research of relevance to Māori communities and are an important vehicle by which New Zealand is a key player in global indigenous research and affairs. They also provide support through learning wānanga and scholarships for postgraduate students.
Te Hononga Pūkenga was created by NPM to connect researchers and to facilitate communities to access Māori researchers. If you’re going to do postgraduate study make sure you add your details to this database.
Kawepūrongo - News
- 14 July 2022: "Universities launch programme to support Māori academics" - Te Kei
- 29 January 2019: "What would it take to achieve parity?"
- 13 April 2017: "Universities concerned over persistent UE disparity for Māori and Pasifika".
- 31 March 2016: (Massey University) “A Guide for Good Teaching Practice: Considering Māori Students”.
Ngā rauemi - Resources
- “Celebrating ten years of Māori academic achievement”.
- “Major advances for indigenous involvement in NZ tertiary education”.
- “Māori academic leadership: Capacity, Capability and Character”.
- Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (New Zealand’s Māori Centre of Research Excellence).
Universities New Zealand - Te Pōkai Tara:
Te Pouhārō Māori
Nō Waikato, Raukawa ki Wharepuuhunga, Ngāpuhi
Senior Manager Māori and Equity / Te Kāhui Amokura